Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Where It All Goes Down Wednesday!
Welcome to my first grade classroom in Highgate Vermont!
Look at all the great readers!  This shows my two classroom computers, my sink, a bathroom, blue door, the chair is where I usually sit, my kids' center (supply place blue crates), and black mailboxes.
 Back of the room with the start of the CAFE on the board, reading table to the right, blue and green reading homework bags.
 Waiting in line to wash up at the sink.  I love my table.
 The kids are working hard on Netbooks.  Plastic boxes are for coins they earn with our PBIS program.
 Still working on computers.  Bathroom door and classroom door beside each other.
 View of the hallway outside my classroom at Christmas Time.  The numbers are tactile and rough with sand.  My board has Holiday Trees from a home project.  Above my board are a happy accident.  I took a full length photo of my students with their hands out thinking that I could link them up as if they were holding hands but the are all reaching out .  I just loved the effect they created:)

 These are all old pictures of my classroom.  I guess I need some better shots to show the front of the room.  Maybe I'll add a few later on today.  I am enjoying this week of blogging.



  1. Nice, love it when kids have better technology than I do...Ha! Out school got a grant to fund IPad's this year to facilitate communication and I can't wait to get my hands on one with the kids.

  2. That's awesome that you have all those netbooks! We have 3 laptop carts at our school and they are all old, crappy, and have to be plugged in because the batteries die. Great room!!

  3. What a great topic for today...Wednesday. I love seeing all of these pictures of different classrooms; especially this time of the year when every teacher is rearranging furniture over and over again just to make their room look "a little bit different" for the new year!

    Thanks for introducing me to your blog!
    Paula Jensvold

  4. WOW! Love that the entire class has netbooks. Thanks for sharing!

    Think, Wonder, & Teach
