Sunday, March 12, 2017

#IMMOOCB1 Trust in Relationships

       As an educator I have always believed in the idea of teams but it’s hard to be a team when you go into your room and close your door to do your work.  I have always enjoyed an “open door” policy.  I’ve got nothing to hide and I love having people come to observe my practice.  My first grade team takes care of each other.  We trust and honor each other’s thoughts, share, and help when the going gets rough. George Couros says “it is far easier to trust someone when you have a relationship with that person.”  Just like my team. 

       I only wish my principal had a relationship with his teaching staff……trust and belief in our work with children seems to have been thrown out the window.  My wish is to have a leader that believes in his staff and trusts that our goals for children are the same.  Why is it necessary for a principal to control everything?  It creates decent amongst our staff.  I want a perfect world.  “As leaders in education, our job is not to control those whom we serve but to unleash their talent.” George Couros  Why do I feel like I’m hiding my talent?

1 comment:

  1. That would definitely be a frustrating situation. I am lucky to have a administrator who believe in an open door policy. Helpfully things get better for you and your colleagues!
